Where do you provide your services?
Primarily I work at Park View Medical Centre, in Middlesbrough. I also work in North Yorkshire and the surrounding areas, and London. I have a range of offices and venues we can meet in, and we can also meet online with video calling. I also work with clients outside in national parks, beaches and the countryside. I occasionally run wellbeing retreats, and details of these will be published here.
What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a type of complementary therapy where a hypnotherapist such as myself guides you to be in a relaxed, open state. You still have full control of everything you say and do. It simply means you can unlock deep rooted physical and emotional pain, eliminating it permanently. It is this powerful when done correctly.
In your relaxed state, you are open to exploring your feelings and the reasons behind certain behaviours. Your hypnotherapist can teach you how to control your thought patterns to correct any unwanted behaviours.
Hypnotherapy can help with a range of mental and physical issues, including depression, anxiety and skin disorders. It’s also effective for those who want to correct habits, break addictions or improve just about any area of their life.
Hypnotherapy can completely stop the need for medication in many cases. It cannot cure cancer but it can help put the cancer back in remission. Mothers can even give birth without pain just using hypnotherapy so that no anaesthetic is required.
What is John's approach to coaching?
Coaching is a type of talking therapy that focuses on improving agreed aspects of your life or career.
As a professional coach, I use a range of techniques to guide you into positive ways of thinking, showing how you can achieve your goals, and the results you seek from achieving those goals. I will dig as deep as I need to until we find out what you really want to achieve. Sometimes this will surprise you more than me! I will serve you until that ultimate outcome you desire is achieved. My coaching can help you build confidence, eliminate negative thought patterns and achieve what it is you seek. You will see and feel results for the long term. It’s important to look at the reasons behind your goals, and if the path you choose is in fact right for you, and not just for those around you.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the awareness of “some-thing,” being emotionally present and enjoying the moment. Guided mindfulness sessions show you how to practice techniques that you can use in other areas of your life. When we understand how we think and act, we can let go of unwanted feelings. With practice, this gives us more power over our decisions. Mindful eating for example can help us enjoy the taste and experience of a meal. This can make us chew slower, take smaller bites and offer weight control which can in turn lead to a more positive mindset.
What is meditation?
Meditation is the awareness of “no-thing,” it frees the mind of stress, anxiety and negative thoughts safely and gently. It is about taking time for yourself to reflect on your own needs. It allows you to create a calm place from which you can help others while still making time for yourself. Meditation offers many physical and emotional benefits, including feeling calmer, kinder and wiser. It really can alleviate physical and emotional pain through practice.
What is wellbeing?
Wellbeing is everything about being yourself and living a happy, fulfilling life.
Wellbeing comes from all areas of life, so sessions may cover sleeping, walking, talking, working, attitude, diet, exercise, listening, appreciating and love. Just slowing right down we can appreciate every aspect of life and gain enjoyment from it.
Improving your wellbeing is a form of self care. The benefits can be astronomical – improving your work, personal life, even your love of food and drink, so unwanted stresses and bad habits fade away.
Wellbeing can use a combination of techniques, including coaching, hypnotherapy, meditation and mindfulness.
Who is John Stevens?
I’m fully qualified as a hypnotherapist and coach. I spend a lot of time with successful leaders in hypnotherapy, coaching and traditional therapies. I invest a lot of time and money into continually improving my knowledge and skills so that my clients get the best of me. That said, my clients never stop teaching me.
I’ve learned techniques over 30 years from Red Indians, Aboriginals, Monks and time spent in Asia. I never stop learning. I coach and support various therapists and coaches in the UK. I speak directly from my heart and head, and have a desire to help you create wonderful change.
On a personal level, I’ve been described as intelligent, funny and sincere. I’m driven to do my very best for each client I work with. I’ve worked with people from all walks of life – from my would-be career as a comedian to living with aboriginals in Australia and swimming with sharks and crocodiles. I’ve definitely had my share of experiences and lived life to the fullest, and that’s exactly what I want to empower my clients to do.
When we work together, you’ll see I bring my humour (at the right time) and creative side to our sessions, along with my sincere and genuine side. There’s nothing I like more than seeing my clients succeed and live a happy, fulfilling life.
Why does John do what he does?
Everybody deserves to feel happy, healthy and be loved. As an experienced hypnotherapist, coach and wellbeing practitioner, I guarantee that I will treat you as an individual. I will show you kindness and respect and I will not judge you. I will listen to you.
I offer a bespoke service, unique to you and for you so that can work on any challenges and difficulties you’re experiencing together, in a nurturing and safe environment. I’ll help you find long term solutions so that you can live a happy and fulfilling life. I will also do my best to make the whole process fun. When life is fun, we all learn quicker and can make positive changes much easier. Healing works faster and more powerfully when a person is smiling.
I recognise from my own life how damaging emotional and physical pain can be as a young person, not just at the time but throughout adult life. Because of this, I am driven to help those who struggle from bullying, abuse, rape or anything that bothers and hurts you.
The thing I love most about my job is that I get to see my clients shine. I have the privilege of working with adults, children and groups. To see a client transform their life and be full of excitement, passion and genuine hope is truly an honour for me.
What are your fees?
My rate is £100 for the first session which lasts 90 minutes and £85 per hour thereafter. I offer sliding scale fees – this means I can offer subsidised rates to those on low incomes and those in the fire, police and ambulance services and The Armed Services
Do you offer wellness retreats?
Yes, I run retreats throughout the year at Camp Katur in North Yorkshire. These are sometimes open to everyone and sometimes reserved for certain groups (such as the Blue Light charities for Fire, Police and Ambulance workers) and The Armed Services which I work for free as a thank you to the lovely people who give so much of themselves.

...because if your question is can I help you? My answer is yes.